Kim rossi NOYES

Kim Rossi Noyes has been working in headphones and behind a mic, for the majority of her adult life. She has spent years in padded rooms, honing her craft of changing her vocal tone and characteristics to best speak to the specific radio audience she is broadcasting to – connecting to listeners between songs while hungering for more. She grew up surrounded by what’s known as ‘Minnesota Nice’, taking spins on ballroom floors with her parents (card carrying members of The Polka Lovers’ of America), working in a smalltown hardware store and dreaming of becoming an actress before trading the High School stage for a career in the 'Theater of the Mind' behind a mic. She leans into humor, especially ‘gallows’, and loves narrating stories that have an edge. She is a member of the APA & NAPA, and records in  a home studio.
Now, after years of following radio jobs westward, she’s settled in Montana with a husband, two kids, two dogs, a cat, a 2nd Degree BlackBelt in Taekwondo and a new found love for the local MMA gym and ‘murder yoga’.